DR Congo Visit + Undercover Filming

Green Heart Films arrive in Kinshasa in the middle of October 2012 and left Kinshasa for Europe on the 10th of March 2013 and after receiving film permits from the park authority's I began a journey that was to last for the next five months and would take me to five national parks all of which are presently caught in the ongoing crisis that the DR Congo is presently confronting on a continuous cycle. In a world where resources are in rapid decline the DR Congo finds itself at the center of … [Read more...]

Market Undercover

Libreville - it is now three uneventful weeks of waiting and hanging around one of the most expensive city’s of the world !!!!   I have decided to film undercover the various bush-meat markets of Libreville and to interview one of Gabon's most active and well known environmentalist who unlike the officially appointed guardians of this nations environment and parks is eager to express his views on what kind of a green future he and others are working towards. Momboit Libreville - … [Read more...]

Journey To Visit Forest Elephants In The Lope Reserve

After having witnessed the destruction of impounded ivory government stocks in Libreville I have decided to travel to the national reserve of Lope to see forest elephants in their natural environment.   Lope is in-fact a patch-work of rain-forests and equatorial savannas but unlike the great plains of E.Africa the savannas of this central African region are not teaming with great herds of forest elephants. After a number of days of viewing elephants from a distance I finally got … [Read more...]


From Slavery to The Pillaging Of African Resources. After a years absence I stood once more at Tagrin opposite the river S.Leone facing the coastal mountainous peninsula and the teaming traffic congested city of Freetown. The short river journey to the village of Pepel was a pleasant and uncomplicated  affair and the timeless sight of the ancient slave trading island of Bunce appeared as a memorable witness to mans inhumanity, a clear legacy of avarice, greed and a litany of one of the … [Read more...]

The Amazon L.A.G.H

  The beginning of my journey into the Amazon forests of Latin America began with a flight over the snow fields of the Bolivian high Andes, I was at last traveling from Buenos Aires to the capital of Peru Lima, after months of planning to visit the worlds largest green lung, the Amazon basin. Whilst traveling above the Andes I began to wonder what adventures lay ahead in Peru and further on into the heart of the Amazon basin which lies in Latin Americaʼs largest nation Brazil. I was now … [Read more...]

The Congo Basin

Lunatic up The Congos The Congos, lands that conjure up fear, awe and adventure. These are the two nations that form the very heart of this vast and ancient continent, yet few venture into the depths of Africa’s truly last great frontier wilderness!. I chose to come to the Congos in search of the vast Equatorial forests that represent our planet’s second green lung and the earth’s richest and the most diverse biodiversity to be found any where on our planet. My introduction to the Congo’s … [Read more...]


“Hi ni bunduki” “this is a gun and he is a soldier” said the emigration director as she study a zoom lens for my camera at the Uganda Congo DRC frontier post of Kisinyi. And on my attempt to protest the madam of the DGM roared in Ki Swahili “rudisha kwau” “return him back to where he has come from” and with this I left the woman’s office exhausted after four hours of questions and delays.   I had left the relevant order of Uganda and on the border barrier being lifted I entered the … [Read more...]

DR Congo Visit & Undercover Filming

Green Heart Films arrive in Kinshasa in the middle of October 2012 and left Kinshasa for Europe on the 10th of March 2013 and after receiving film permits from the park authority's I began a journey that was to last for the next five months and would take me to five national parks all of which are presently caught in the ongoing crisis that the DR Congo is presently confronting on a continuous cycle.   In a world where resources are in rapid decline the DR Congo finds itself at the … [Read more...]

The Migratory World Of Africa South

By Green Heart Films - S.O.Taylor Sioma Ngwezi is a remote corner of south western Zambia bordering Cuando Cubango a province of Angola a country presently recovering from over thirty years of civil war. To the south of Sioma Ngwezi lies the Caprivi Strip of Namibia and beyond this strip are to be found the Okavango swamps of Botswana. The previous civil conflict in Southern Angola had a catastrophic impact not only on this nations civilian population but also it wildlife was systematically … [Read more...]

Green Heart Films Fly’s To Kinshasa Capital Of DRC.

Green Heart Films leave the UK for Kinshasa the capital of the DRC this Friday the 12th of October to begin a six month journey within the region of the Congo Basin. The first objective in Kinshasa will be to follow up on reports that illegal ivory from the Salonga national park is being openly sold within this city’s markets. After visiting Kinshasa we then travel up to Goma to visit the Virunga national park where conflicts and gas and oil exploration are beginning to pose a serious … [Read more...]